Britt Kusserow

Hi there! My name is Britt Kusserow (she/they) and I identify as queer, lesbian, and genderfluid. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California, with a specialization in LGBTQ+ Affirmative therapy from Antioch University. I am passionate about work with LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly those of you whose multifaceted identities include an important, central, faith practice, and/or relationship with divinity. My work is relational and client-centered, guided by anti-racist principles, and the belief that we can deconstruct harmful stories and co-author new ones for the betterment of ourselves and our communities.

I grew up the granddaughter of Lutheran missionaries, in suburban Indiana, and attended an Episcopal church for most of my adolescence and young adulthood. Even as a young person I was struck by the inconsistencies that I observed between the words and actions of the people in my community regarding what it meant to be “Christian,” particularly as I was coming out as lesbian to myself and others. I found myself identifying very strongly with Jacob/Israel, in that my faith journey has often been characterized by struggle.

My intrigue around the disconnect between the loving-nature of God that I experienced on a personal level, and the harmful messages I received from others, led me to pursue an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies. This proved an integral foundation to later pursuit of a therapeutic license. I see so many parallels between the inner healing process, and the ways in which God’s love radiates through us, in relationship to one another.

It is my hope that if you find yourself struggling at a crossroads between your queer and spiritual identities, that I can help you see and shape a more integrated path forward.

During my personal time, I enjoy hiking with my wife and our delight of a dog, making music, playing video games, and hosting my chosen family for sporadic “queer movie nights.”

Robbie Klein