Nina Firooz

My name is Nina Firooz and I am a cisgender, queer/lesbian, first generation Persian-American, Christian, therapist (all at the same time!). I became a therapist to work with LGBTQ+ people, and more specifically, LGBTQ+ individuals who are looking to reconcile sexuality and gender identities with faith and Christianity. I also have experience, expertise in and love working with LGBTQ+ people of color, as well as LGBTQ+ folks who struggle with addiction. I earned my Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles’ LGBT Specialization, and I am in my ninth year as a therapist, currently licensed as Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California.

I am in private practice full-time, and prior to that, I was the Clinical Director for one of the only LGBTQ-specific drug and alcohol treatment centers in the country. I am so grateful that I am able to serve my community, to help empower people who are marginalized, and co-create healing with my LGBTQ+ siblings.

My faith story tends to be a little different than some others in this field. I grew up in a religious household and was highly active in my faith traditions from the beginning. I also knew from a young age , that there was something different about me. That difference was rooted in my gender expression, as well as my attraction to women. I kept this to myself for years due to fear of God’s judgment, family and faith-family rejection, and societal violence. I took the first step in my coming out process before I became a Christian, and it was my queerness that brought me to Christ and the Christian church. Through this transformation, I devoured as much as possible in both literary and first-hand knowledge. I am in constant awe of the resilience of those LGBTQ+ Christians who have come before us, and those whom I have the honor of serving now and in the future.

I also enjoy speaking at conferences, universities, churches, and symposiums on increasing the awareness of the specific needs of our LGBTQ+ community. I have traveled the country to speak, educate, listen, and learn from other healers, providers, and advocates.

I cannot do this work without the support of my loving fiancée and our families, both of origin and of choice. I spend my time doing the nerdiest things possible, everything from board games to D&D.

Robbie Klein