John Pryor

My name is John Pryor, and I’m a gay, Christian therapist. I consider the work that I do a true privilege to support and journey alongside others as they seek wellness. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Missouri. I have my master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and have been working in the mental health field for over 5 years. I am also currently in my fourth and final year of a PhD program in Counselor Education and Supervision. The work of supporting others who identify as LGBTQ+ navigate the layers of their own identity and their spiritual identify is so meaning full to me because it’s also my story. My journey to self-acceptance has taken time, therapy, and lots of support in order for me to be at the place I am today.

Growing up, I become aware that I had “same-sex attraction” when I was in the fourth grade. I also knew (at least at that time) that this was not an acceptable experience within my Christian home. So, I tried to suppress these feelings and attempted to fit into a straight box that never felt comfortable. In college, I went through a deconstruction phase where I was encouraged to question certain “Truths”. For so long, I lived with a false idea that I had two choices- I could be a Christian or I could be gay. These choices never settled with me because I had such a deep connection with my faith, but I could no longer deny my sexuality. It was during this time that I was finally able to “come out” to myself and fully acknowledge a part of me that had always been present. I remember feeling as though I could breathe for the first time- so deep and full. I also remember feeling the fear of what others (family, friends, etc.) would think. I did not want to be treated differently, but I also knew I could no longer continue to lie to myself.

So, I continued to “lean in” to research and sought support from wise and compassionate elders who reminded me that God is Love and that He/She loves me as I am. There were levels of peace in this reminder. Through my own therapy and continued “leaning in” to hard questions, I have been able to find self-acceptance and integrate my faith with my sexuality.

As a therapist, I believe in creating an atmosphere free of judgment. I believe in respecting diversity and how it makes each and every individual unique. My role in therapy is to travel alongside you and to create an experience that makes you feel safe to learn new mental health strategies, to be more self-aware, and to challenge negative thinking patterns. Life can be painful, and change can be scary. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. I want to go with you in the journey of wellness. No matter where you are starting.

In my spare time, I love spending time with my husband. When we can, we love to adventure to new places. I also love staying home and diving into a great book.

Through the Christian Closet, I offer individual sessions at $165 per session. I also have a limited amount of space for sliding scale clients.

Robbie Klein